The following policy, regarding civil liberties and Biblical standards addressing sexuality, is designed to ensure that Christ Lutheran Church and School operates in a manner consistent with the Word of God.
Our policies are rooted in the Bible because we believe the Bible is the inspired written Word of God. These Biblically-rooted policies are aligned with the doctrine of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Our understanding of human sexuality begins with our belief that each human being is created in the image of God as either male or female (Genesis 5:1-2), a biological sex and gender encoded genetically and manifested physiologically before birth. In addressing each other, we will only recognize pronouns of him and her based on the biological sex and gender of a person at birth.
We also believe that sin has brought brokenness and corruption to the created order. This, at times, has caused disorder and confusion regarding gender identity and/or sexual attraction. God calls us to “love one another” (John 13:34-35) despite the brokenness and pain of our sinful world. However, despite sin and its consequences, we seek to honor the created order of “male” or “female” as defined above from conception.
We also believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). All sexual activity is to take place within that God-given boundary of marriage. The family units thus formed on these principles provide the foundation for civil society.
We also believe in God’s transformational grace and love (Romans 12:2). God, in love, sent His Son Jesus to give His life on a cross and rise from the dead. The power of Jesus’ grace and resurrection can bring healing and help to those who struggle with these issues (Ephesians 3:20).
Biological sex is either male or female. Gender is encoded genetically and manifested physiologically before birth. Students whose biological sex at birth was male will be classified as boys, and students whose biological sex at birth was female will be classified as girls. For these reasons, the following shall be in place when accessing school facilities and programs.
- Any student enrolled at Christ Lutheran Church and School shall, when utilizing a multiple-occupancy restroom, utilize the facility corresponding to that student’s biological sex, as recorded on the student’s original birth certificate, (ordained at birth).
- Nothing herein shall prohibit the school from designing or designating restroom facilities for use by one person at a time. Such facilities may be designated for use by both sexes.
- Nothing herein shall prohibit a person entering a restroom designated for use by a particular sex:
- For custodial, maintenance, or inspection purposes.
- For rendering medical emergency assistance.
- For accompanying a person needing assistance; or
- Where a facility has been temporarily designated for use by individuals of the opposite sex as defined herein.
- Any student enrolled in Christ Lutheran Church and School shall, when participating in an athletic program offered by the school, participate on the team that corresponds with the student’s biological sex, as recorded on the student’s original birth certificate, except that a biologically female student may seek to qualify to participate on a male team if a female team is not available for that sport. Exceptions will be made when, due to low enrollment, a co-ed team is needed to be formed for the school to participate in a sport during a particular season.
- Students will not be addressed by a pronoun or a description that does not align to their biological sex at birth, including they or them.
- When traveling on overnight field trips, students will stay in accommodations with students of the same biological sex at birth.
- In circumstances when students are divided by gender for class activities, they will be classified by their biological sex at birth.
- Established uniform policies for male and female students will be required by biological sex at birth.
Our school believes, teaches, and confesses the unchanging truth of Holy Scripture, subscribes to the Lutheran Confessions as a true exposition of the Word of God. We believe that all statements, policies, and procedures must be Christ-centered, Biblically-based, and in concert with the Great Commission (“Go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:16-20) and the Great Commandment (“A new command I give to you, that you love one another…John 13:34) given by our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that all children benefit from a Christian education. Following Jesus’ direction in Mark 10:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” we promise to provide this education to the best of our ability—God enabling and empowering us to do so. To that end, we promise that our pastors, teachers, and staff will teach, embody, and live in a manner consistent with the Christ-centered, Biblically-based beliefs of Christ Lutheran Church and School.
For more information on our Statement of Faith, click here.