8th Grade

Learning God’s Word 

Theme: Faith in a Complex World

The middle school Bible curriculum focuses on deepening the student’s understanding of the Christian faith and its application in their lives. At the 8th-grade level, students examine complex theological questions and cultural issues through engagement in critical thinking and discussions.


  • Focus on Scripture: Emphasis on understanding the Bible, its stories, and teachings.
  • Faith in Action: Encouragement in practical applications of faith in everyday life.
  • Historical Content: Exploration of the history of the Christian church and its impact on society.

Key Themes:

  • Understanding God: Discussions on the nature of God, the Trinity, and God’s relationship with humanity.
  • Jesus Christ: Focus on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
  • The Holy Spirit: Exploration of the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.
  • The Church: Understanding the purpose and mission of the church in the modern world.
  • Christian Living: Practical guidance on living out one’s faith through service, ethics, and community engagement.

Memory Work

  • Students learn how Scripture speaks to real-life issues, reinforcing through memory and group worship.
  • Verses that align with the school’s theme.
  • Key passages supporting the key teachings of the Christian Faith.
  • Citations and Bible verses outlined in Luther’s Small Catechism.

Spelling and Vocabulary

Students dive into spelling patterns, Latin/Greek roots, and SAT-level vocabulary, focusing on word origins and meanings.


English skills cover:

  • Grammar and sentence structure
  • Proofreading and punctuation
  • Vocabulary and word choice


Writing workshops cover:

  • Persuasive, expository, narrative, creative, and literature response essays
  • Focus on ideas, organization, voice, fluency, word choice, and mechanics

Language Arts/Literature

Using historical fiction and diverse genres, students will:

  • Identify the author’s purpose and analyze the structure
  • Compare/contrast themes, biases, and accuracy in texts
  • Explore Greek mythology, Shakespeare, and Bible-inspired themes



Introduces students to algebra with:

  • Variables and linear equations
  • Graphing functions and real-life problem-solving

Algebra 1 (Honors)

Preps for Geometry with:

  • Linear equations, systems of equations
  • Polynomials, quadratics, and square roots

Social Studies: U.S. History

Students explore U.S. history with a trip to Washington, D.C. Topics include:

  • Early settlements, Constitution, regional growth
  • Civil War, Reconstruction, and modern democracy

Science: Integrated – Earth and Physical Science

With hands-on activities, students study Earth and Physical science topics like:

  • The speed of objects and waves
  • Modeling light in the solar system
  • Noncontact forces influence phenomena
  • The solar system and beyond
  • Sustaining local and global diversity


Online Spanish classes focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking with vocabulary and grammar lessons, covering:

  • Vocabulary: sports, travel, geography, currency
  • Grammar: verb conjugation, tenses, commands


TK – 8th Students attend art class with Ms. Hailey once a week:

Throughout the year, students will work with a wide range of materials, tools, and mediums. They will explore the elements of art and principles of design to create art pieces inspired by significant art movements throughout history. This approach aims to ignite curiosity and foster a lifelong love of art.

Physical Education

Students wear CLS uniforms three times per week for activities like:

  • Strength training, stretching, and running
  • Sports basics: basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball
  • Presidential fitness training for yearly evaluation & certification


Using Microsoft Office and online tools, students will:

  • Build typing skills on Typingweb.com
  • Manage Google Docs and Drive
  • Work on projects like “Techno Investor” (stock simulation) and “Techno CEO” (creating a business)
  • Learn internet safety

Field Trips

Typical trips for 8th grade include:

  • Washington D.C. 
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