Christ Lutheran Church is a member of the Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Christ Lutheran is constitutionally governed with authority vested in the Voters Assembly of church membership, delegated to the Church Council to administer all affairs of the church and its ministries. The Christ Lutheran Constitution and By-laws can be found on our website below. If you would like a printed copy, please contact our church office at [email protected].
Poul Erik Norgaard, Head Elder.
Poul Erik has a seminary degree and preaches in local LCMS churches as needs arise. He joined the Elder Board in May of 2021 and is the father to two Christ Lutheran School Alumni.
Matt Hyatt
Matt Hyatt stepped into the role of elder in June 2021. Matt brings years of experience in web development to Christ Lutheran Church and School, blessing us with professional media to share our mission and ministry beyond our doors.
Bill Reichert
Bill Reichert attends to the details of each upcoming church service. Sunday. Bill visits the Christ Lutheran congregational shut-ins and provides the opportunity for communion. Bill is the longest-serving elder and is a former head elder.
Brad Turnbaugh
Brad Turnbaugh serves in Youth Ministries.
Walter Bloss
Walter Bloss faithfully serves during church services and provides years of experience to our elders.
Mark Richards
Mark Richards is a big help as a Duty Elder. If you wonder how the white cloth gets on the cross at Easter, it is Mark who climbs the high ladder.
Church Council Officers
President: Terry Balog
Vice President: Mark Richards
Secretary: Anna Maggio
Treasurer: Bob Galvan
Assistant Treasurer: Bob Campbell
Chair of Elders: Rev. Poul-Erik Norgaard
Chair of Trustees: Bob Cubillos
Chair of Board of Christian Education: Meredith Bloss
Ex-Officio & Non-Voting:
Pastor: Pastor Brandenburg
School Principal: Charlene Soon