Teacher Recommendation Form "*" indicates required fields Student Name*Name of School*Select Student Grade*PreschoolTraditional KindergartenKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeSchool Address/Zip*School Phone*Dear Teacher: The above - named applicant is applying for admission to Christ Lutheran School. Please include any information you feel is pertinent. Your prompt appraisal of the candidate will help to assure full consideration. The process of admittance cannot continue without this form.How long have you known this applicant?*In what capacity?*Please check appropriate description with regard to the above - named student as follows:Academic Ability* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Desire to Learn* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Contribution to Class* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Rate of Progress* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Relationship with Teacher* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Integrity* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Self - Control* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Appearance / Health* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Relations with Peers* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Motivation to Succeed* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Contributions to School* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Thoughtfulness to Others* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Leadership* Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Poor Please include any appropriate additional comments about the candidate.Do you recommend this student to us without reservation? Yes No Explain reservations if anyTeacher's Name*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHA